In this step by step approach to giving a presentation we show you how you can boss the presentation basics. Because there really are only simple building blocks for giving a solid presentation. And they are incredibly simple, yet we all struggle with them. That’s probably because someone hasn’t explained how the simple things all add up to effective presenting.
So, that’s our job in this course. Boss the simple things and become better at the impressive things.
You have ten different interactive lessons in the course. These are:
Eliminate Ums and Ers When You Present2
Introduce The Pause As You Present3
Achieve More With Tone And Emphasis4
Use Your Words Well5
Plan To Repeat Yourself6
Your Presentation is a Blank Canvas7
Your Presentation Audience Has a Problem8
How You Can Boss Presentation Delivery Techniques9
How You Can Create Compelling Content10
How You Can Use Visual Aids in Your Presentation
Additionally you also have the means to test yourself as you progress through the learning materials.
When you've finished the lessons you can ask some questions of your trainer and book a 30-minute video call to discuss further.
How You Can Boss the Presentation Basics
Essential Foundations for Your Presentation Success
You know that we learn from others. And you'll know that we also start to learn from a very young age indeed, well before formal schooling. That learning is considerable, taking in mechanical skills, movement and dexterity for example. But we also learn, very early on, how to use ums and ers when we speak. And that's something we have to consider as we get ready for a presentation.
The pause is an essential part of presenting. But it's often overlooked. So, in this lesson we aim to put that right. First we look at the non-existent role played by the pause in conversation. And then we consider how this is a problem for us, as we aim to become effective at giving presentations..
When you speak with tone and emphasis you add layers of quality to your conversation. And, not surprisingly, you achieve the same with a presentation. So, in this lesson we look to use stress and tone in our spoken word as a matter of course. And, importantly we don't adopt a boring monotone speaking voice just because it's a management presentation.
Surprisingly the same rule that applies for conversation also applies for your presentations. So, aim to keep all the simple words and simple sentences. Avoid abbreviations or acronyms and remember to steer well clear of jargon and management-speak.
We don't tend to repeat words or phrases when we're having a conversation. And if we did then we can guarantee that our co-conversationalist will tell us. However, this conversation rule doesn't apply when you give a presentation. Yes, in a presentation you really can, and should repeat the most important bits.
Putting Your Presentation Together
In this lesson we look at how the 5 building blocks work together and, importantly, why they help you to actually communicate with your audience. And, once again, there's a very simple explanation.
Your audience has got a problem. In fact they've got lots of problems and lots of distractions. However, it's your job as a presenter to cut through these problems and really engage with your audience. Fortunately all these building blocks for successful presenting are going to help.
Solid and effective presentation delivery techniques are essential to your success as a presenter. So, in this lesson we'll work our way through the key techniques.
Boss Your Presentation with Compelling Content and Technique
Now you know what you have to do for your presentation audience, it's the time to focus on creating compelling content for them.
Visual aids will really enhance your presentation. But there's much more to visual aids than just switching on PowerPoint or Keynote.
About the teacher
Andrew Ivey
I am the principal trainer at Time to Market Ltd. For more than ten years I've delivered most of our public and corporate training courses in the United Kingdom. In addition, I also write many of our presentation tips and blog posts.