Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

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  • Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

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Easy Public Speaking

1 Lesson

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In this step by step approach to public speaking we show you how you can master the public speaking basics. Because there really are only 5 building blocks for effective public speaking. And they are incredibly simple, yet we all struggle with them. That’s probably because someone hasn’t explained how the simple things all add up to effective public speaking.

So, that’s our job in this course. Master the simple things and become better at the impressive things.

You have seven different interactive lessons in the course. These are:

  1. 1
    Eliminate Ums and Ers From Your Public Speaking
  2. 2
    Introduce The Pause To Your Speech
  3. 3
    Expect More With Tone And Emphasis
  4. 4
    Use Your Words Well
  5. 5
    Plan To Repeat Yourself
  6. 6
    It’s All A Blank Canvas 
  7. 7
    Your Audience Has A Problem 

Additionally you also have the means to test yourself as you progress through the learning materials. 

When you've finished the lessons you can ask some questions of your trainer and book a 30-minute video call to discuss further.

Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

Tackle Your Fears

1 Lesson

Subscribers only

a fear of public speaking or stage fright for some public speakers, is totally debilitating. It's most obvious when speakers go out of their way to avoid giving a speech. They won't speak in public. And they won't give a presentation at work. In this course we'll work through some effective strategies to tackle a fear of public speaking.

Text lesson


About the teacher

Andrew Ivey

I am the principal trainer at Time to Market Ltd. For more than ten years I've delivered most of our public and corporate training courses in the United Kingdom. In addition, I also write many of our public speaking tips and blog posts.

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